Currently blogging in the hotel in UK. It's 5.05pm here and I'm still having jetlags. Don't blame me, but it only gets dark on 10pm, and the sun streaming in, lets say, 3am? Needless to say, it's summer here and trust me, the weather is no better than in Malaysia. Morning is exceptional, though. Waking up to walk out of the door to have a gust of cool wind rush through your face freshens you up for the day, and that is the best part of the day.
It was pretty fun. It isn't my first time here, but kc's following this time around which explains the adrenalin rush. Since day 1 upon arrival, I've been spending all day and night shopping. My feet knows no pain while I'm in the shopping mode, but the after math was tragic. I would just lie on the hotel bed til I'm sleepy, and I'll sleep. Times this routine by 3, and that's what I did for 3 consecutive days in London. Obviously, kc was a little put off by this whole shopping plan thingy, but, you know, girls =). Not to forget the pleasant present KC got me. I love it to bits though I know it puts a hole in your wallet haha, but I really appreciate it with every ounce of me. Love you dearly baby.
Don't really know what's up for tomorrow but I smell tonnes of walking, which spells B-A-D. I was never catered for walking. My body frame, my toothpick-ed legs, my low stamina and my tendency to stay under shady oak trees are all for indoor purposes, but my sister, who couldn't careless, sprints her way through every road giving me an extremely hard time catching up with her pace. I hope tomorrow's weather would be friendly. Not the scorching sun, but something breezy or cooling, perfect condition for a stroll around the town.
On another note, results are out TOMORROW!!! It kills me and my trip. I don't want to be upset on my trip here. It's not what I'm ready to face. Everyone's being cynical now except for those erm...outcast which have a brain capacity of Einstein. Do wish me luck. I hope I don't have to look forward for August, but September =)) That's all for now. Photo's will be uploaded the moment.........the laziness in me dies off =))